Contributor FAQ

1. Why should I participate? What's in it for me?

By contributing, you will help to define a fantastic, free resource: an interconnected and explorable list of the Top 1000 Cookbooks in the English language.  Additionally, as a contributor you will have a profile page on the site and within the app, showing your selections. Your profile page will link to your website and social media presence, providing you with additional visibility and discoverability and making it easy for users to visit your website, purchase your books, or visit your establishment. 

2. How are you going to make the list of 1000 Cookbooks available?

We aim to release the list later this year, both on the web, and as a free app for Android and iOS.

3. Will my selections be publicly visible?

Yes, absolutely, they will be displayed on your profile page. Think of it as your 'Desert Island Cookbooks' selection.

4. What will my profile page look like?

Here's a preview of roughly how a contributor's profile page will look:

5. How will the Top 1000 list be calculated?

We will take into account the votes of all panelists, fine-tuning the algorithm if necessary to ensure well-balanced coverage .

6. Will there be sub-lists for specific cuisines / geographic regions, etc?


7. If the app is free, what is the business model for 1000 Cookbooks? 

Our ultimate goal is to develop a premium service, including subscription-based access to the very best food content. Defining a collection of the very best cookbooks is a key milestone towards this.

8. Will the 1000 Cookbooks app and website include recipes?

The initial app will focus on listing cookbooks, their authors and the connections between them. We are actively discussing with authors and publishers the licensing of recipe content for inclusion in future premium editions. Offering cookbook recipe content to premium users has the potential to increase print sales, via additional visibility, while also developing an additional parallel subscription revenue-stream for authors.

9. Who is behind 1000 Cookbooks?

1000 Cookbooks is a new project from a team of founders and advisors united by a passion for good food, and a belief that the best food content deserves to be more discoverable and accessible online. 

Guidance on making selections

1. What factors should I consider when making my selections?

1000 Cookbooks is building a list of the most important, influential, and useful cookbooks in the English language. When selecting your favourite books, please give particular emphasis to those which are likely to be used, rather than sit on a coffee table to be admired. 

2. Is the order of my selections important?

It's up to you, but listing the most important books first will help us to generate a better ranking.

3. As an author, can I select my own books?

No – we're looking for selections showing your interests and influences, rather than your own published work, but your profile page will also showcase your own work.

4. What if I am an agent, publisher or restaurant owner etc.?

Please do not include any work in which you have a direct financial interest in your Top 10 list.

5. Does the book need to be in print?

No – in fact lost/out-of-print classics are of particular interest – we're keen to help readers uncover forgotten gems.

6. Do I need to give reasons for my selections?

This is not essential, but the more personal the selections the better, and we'd love to hear more about why you chose them, and any particular recipes that inspire you. We plan to feature more in depth 'feature profiles' of particular contributors which will incorporate this additional information. 

7. What if I make a mistake? Can I make edits and updates to my selection?

After you submit the voting form, you will receive a copy of the selections you have provided by email. If necessary you can send us updates or corrections by replying to this email.

8. Will I be able to update my selections once the Top 1000 list has been created?

We plan to regularly release updates to the Top 1000 list, so there will be scope to update your choices periodically.

9. Can I suggest additional panelists?

Absolutely – we'd love to hear ideas for additional panelists whose Top 10 cookbooks lists you think would be of particular interest. Please e-mail suggestions to

10. Who owns my contribution?

You retain the copyright on your list and any comments you include, but in submitting to 1000 Cookbooks, you grant us non-exclusive rights to distribute the list and comments in all media.